Device Picker

Many features in the application require a selection of devices to perform actions or extract information.

To facilitate that selection, no matter how many devices your system has, whenever the application asks you for a device selection, you’ll find an input field like pictured bellow:
Device Selector In it’s simplest form, the Device Selector is a simple search input.

In it’s simplest form, the Device Selector is a simple search input:

From here, you can open the Device Selector by pressing the button, giving you the following dialog:

  • Adjust the search criteria according to your needs
  • The resulting devices will be shown here. To select a device simply click on it.
  • Selected devices will then be moved to this column. To remove a device the process is the opposite, click on the device to be removed and it will moved to the left column.

The devices list will only show right from the start eligible devices for the context where the Device Selector it is being used. Let’s say you are selecting devices for a Widget configured with Watts as Instant Reading unit. In that scenario only devices from that reading unit will be shown.

You can however further explore the available devices list by combining search criteria like Name, Zones and recursive navigation, generating an easily digestible list of devices.