
To enter settings just click on the button identified in the image below.

Gateways are responsible for all communications between your system and the online application. Therefore their connection status is essential to enable realtime information, reporting and devices control.

The gateways section in Settings shows you the current status for all system gateways, and allows configuration for Status Notifications.
While your gateway is offline it will collect readings data and send to the application once a connection is available.

Gateway Details

In the details section is where we can change the name of the gateway request the history and redirect it if support is needed.


The history can sometimes take a few minutes to be updated on the platform. Sometimes it is necessary to request the history at the moment to make data available immediately.

Support Request

The support request is used to redirect the gateway to a specific address and port. In thisit is possible to remotely support a gateway.

Gateway Notifications

You can enable system notifications for when your gateways can’t connect to the application. To achieve this, enter the gateway details, enable the editing mode and choose which email address(es) should be notified on those occasions.

Gateway Connections

Whenever the gateway changes its status, a log will be saved on this page. This way we have a history and it will be possible to analyze when the gateway was disconnected or connected.